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Read Slideà emphasis æsteam rooms and saunasÆ
Then say ôHere are some photos of partially installed projects to give you just a few of many ideas of where cement backerboard can be appliedö
Click to next slide and wait.á Video will automatically play.
Read slide.á Before you advance to next slide which is a video, say ôLetÆs take a closer look at Double Wrapped Backerboardö.á Click to next slide and wait.á Video will begin playing automatically but may have short delay before it starts.
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Read title and chart.á Screen will highlight 2 lines for you on your mouse click to discuss.á If you are doing good on time, go over entire chart.
Point out the components of the wall system and talk about the bullet points.
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The homogeneous core (translating into fewer voids) also helps to produce one of the easiest and cleanest, score and snaps in the industry. PermaBase can be cut utilizing a standard utility knife and a straight edge.á This is not true for other similar products.á Because of PermaBaseÆs unique core composition, little or no additional labor is needed to clean the edge after a cut, providing significant savings in time and labor. The visible polystyrene beads help make PermaBase the industryÆs lightest weight and moisture resistant cement board on the market.á Cement board with expanded shale or clay (i.e., WonderBoard or Durock) have voids in the core which absorb water and make the board heavier and allow for greater moisture transmission into wall cavity.á
PermaBase will not rot, disintegrate, or swell when exposed to water.
PermaBase is impact resistant, extremely durable and dimensionally stable. It has excellent over all flexural, compressive and tensile strength characteristics. The core composition of PermaBase also allows for cleaner cut outs, again reducing labor. This isnÆt the case with other like products that use an expanded shell or whipped clay filler in their core. This type of composition lends itself to rougher cuts, higher moisture absorption and greater weight fluctuation.á That leads to more labor and inferior job site working characteristics.
Read slide.á Too access these specs at our website, just click on æguide specsÆ on the top of the home page screenàit is that easy.